Monday, June 30, 2008

Structural Rigidities

Many times we are instructed to be in the exam venue 15 minutes before the paper starts. Some overly enthusiastic students flock to the venue even half an hour before the paper begins.

As for my economics case study paper today, I arrived just 5 minutes before 1pm, since the venue for all my papers would either be too hot or frigid, and arriving there later would mean less of the surroundings I have to suffer.

Although this silent rule seems to have been laid down as to prepare the students' minds before they take the paper and/or prevent students from coming late, I observe that though the latter's objective has been successfully met, the former seems to be of contention.

Instead of calming the student's mind, the drollery of waiting for the paper to begin takes on an emotional, pyschological and physical toll on the student. The act of waiting creates an air of anticipation, and when we anticipate, time seems to have ceased temporarily. This lends itself to suspense, which comes with it thoughts of every nature, of which the pessismistic ones take precedence. To pass this time, we subject ourselves by lying on desk with our hands as our pillow, impairing our ability to write as legibly or speedily due to lack of blood flowing to our hands as a result of the wait. Also, it induces a drowsiness that refuses to be snapped out when we finally are able to tackle the paper.

Another type of student who has drank coffee, I assume, will be too perky to fall into a siesta(if its the afternoon with a baking sun) and would most probably be staring at his watch, the clock and the instructions on the question paper, at frequent, punctuated, calculated intervals. This anxiety is quite a pain on the neck, since he has to rotate his head or strain his eyes, he will not be as effective as when he does the paper.

For me, I am quite versatile between the two styles- it depends really on the subject. On subjects that I am dreadful of, like say English Literature, I mourn for myself in the pretense of sleep, whereas for no brainers like Economics case study(for mid years), I can't wait for the paper to start and look around like some beggar.

When gently admonished by a friend not to be so late though I was 5 minutes early for the paper today, I replied as such, with changes due to previous grammatical errors :
I was languishing in the comfort of the library and didnt want to suffer the insufferable heat at the intolerable e block classroom, and such a thought justified me being at the exam venue at the most precise moment moment before execution, that I take much to my delight and fancy, made more by the anticipation of the culmination of the examination at the dawn of the next day, much marked my mind during my missing in action whilst you waited.
If you read carefully, it might not make sense but well tomorrow marks the finale of my mid years! Physical Geography, one of the most terrible subjects I have to behold that I feel that I allude it to the sublime of academania.
Also I thank God for the sumptuous dinner yesterday by Caleb and Serene, such a lovely couple indeed, and a extremely practical gift of Everyday with Jesus, Joy edition. I guess it was divinely inspired that I got the joy edition, for I need it ! Thank God that my sister came back home after my chastise/or lack of it and although relations are patchy and volatile, she has at least obeyed and responded to me just now, which I am grateful of.

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