Friday, March 27, 2009

Busy as can be

Bees work non stop, almost never resting. I feel the same way too. University admissions and applying for scholarships are too much of a chore. (what more And I can't reject my friends who want me to write recommendations from them can I? Jesus never said it would be easy to be His witness in the world, but that He will be with us and lift us up. I believe the things I reap would ultimate bear fruit during harvest time.

I'm extremely excited as I received a call from SMU informing me that I have an interview on April 9, which is Ee Ling's birthday, at the Faculty of Law, Seminar room 3-3. I actually forgot the time I am to report so I'll wait for the confirmation via email. Is this the path that You want me to take o God? I would feel very miserable if I went for it and didn't get through. I'm going to fast and pray about it.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I felt really depressed, when I went back home, no one bothered to ask how I did or even acknowledge my presence at all. Dinner was extremely disappointing, but I can't blame my mum, she had a terrible day at work, doing some manual labour for less than 5 bucks for a whole day. So after dinner I went around trying to get a decent meal, and saw a guy biting or licking his girlfriend's hair in broad daylight at the food court. I guess such things occur so that we bystanders can really laugh at them and ruefully feel better. My expectations run counterwise to reality, and I thought they cared. Not even a pinch of concern coming from ___,___ and ___.

God's goodness

Even through the storms and struggles and sins that I had to go through in 2008, God has been faithful. I see now the reason why He has placed me in MJC, where I can do well, instead of some other top notch JCs... How undeserving I am, yet God has given me quite a good set of grades, and what can I say but tremble in awe of His marvellous provision. I got Bs for Gp and Literature(H2), the rest As.

Now boggled down by the complexity of university admissions...And having lots of problems trying to figure out how to apply for SATs, so that I may stand a chance to get into Law.