Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lips strikes again

It is with a little inspiration that I come back to the blogosphere, having seen a bestie's dedication in maintaining his. The format will remain unchanged, as I simply can't be bothered to go through the hassle of reformatting the codes just to give a more aesthetic feel to the blog, unless someone so volunteers to do so. 

I'm uncertain as to how long this zeal will last. Perhaps a week, perhaps more, but I imagine this to be a more efficient method of cataloging my thoughts and reflections and retrieving them back when I want it, than say Facebook. The idea of scrolling down thousands of pages of content to find that one golden phrase or two isn't that rosy. That could be what prompted Facebook to circumvent this by announcing graph search.

Either way, this will be a more appropriate channel to post longer articles. Facebook doesn't help by restricting the length of posts.  Also, it is just too distracting. New notifications pop up every few seconds, and the temptation to check out these new happenings is really quite high! How many of us would dutifully finish reading what's at hand, or even return to it. Doesn't help if the posts are long, which I am more accustomed to write. (But I've since stopped posting long posts on FB as I suspect the length dissuades people from reading it) Curiosity compels us to check out what's new there.  I can well relate to that... I like to explore new places, try new cuisines and meet new people...  

So I hope by blogging, my thoughts and reflections can be articulated more clearly... It allows others to see me deeper, and myself to see God better I guess.

(: The Ignation Prayer of Examen done Lips style :)

Peace ~ 

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