Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Green Booth

As the title succintly points out, this post will primary talk about the the 'Green Booth', which is held in Suntec City Convention Hall this entire day. At the invitation of the rhapsodic Miss Sim, i am to meet her at StarBucks at 7.30am where she would give me a treat. That is a pretty good bargain, considering i have to wake up at 5.45am to meet her. Of course i do have to change my opinion of her, perhaps i was a tiddy bit critical of her.(refer to the Trouble Me Not post earlier) Anyway lets focus on the Green Booth. The pictures below show how Meridian Junior College's booth looks like. The blueberry muffin is nice... Would do with more blueberries.

Display wall: Look! A picture is topsy turvy ;0

Left Side of Booth Right Side of Booth
As you can see, it is pretty and such. However lets proceed to more worthy booths and exhibits.
Interesting? No, its just colourful. Angler Fish made of Rubbish
After viewing these recherché exhibits and displays, you must be panging for more. I shall post more on a later date as i have to prepare for my 1st ever lesson for my goody-good sunday school kids, and the topic is on 'Presenting Your Body' (actually the primal reason is that i simply am too fed up with the difficulty in uploading and dragging the pictures to the desired spots) Please pray for me fellow comrades, as i would seriously need a double dose of God's anointing. Before i end this post, i have a little riddle for you to solve.
She moans, she groans,
but we never seem to care.
She sows, she plows,
but you never seem to care.
She loves, she serves,
but I never seem to care.
She wars, she roars
only do we seem to care.
God bless y'all with the ingenuity to guess it :)
P.S. You could either comment the answer(s) or tag it on the tagboard. IF you keep mum, i assume you dont know ): Cheers!

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